Brain fact or brain myth?Cognition-and-memory-quiz

What do YOU know is true?
Test yourself on these eight questions.



1. What percentage of your brain do you use? 

  • 10%
  • 50%
  • 100%


    100%. The idea that you do not use all of your brain is a widespread myth. Brain scan studies show all areas are active. Don’t be taken in by claims that products will activate ‘the rest of your brain’ – they won’t do anything.

2. Some people are right-brained and others are left-brained.

Fact or Fiction?

Fiction. Both sides of the brain work together on every mental task. Education and life experience tend to influence and strengthen certain types of skills but it is a myth to say that logical thinkers use the left side of their brain and creative people rely on the right side of the brain.

3. What percentage of your intelligence is set by your genes?

  • 10%
  • 50%
  • 80%


    50%. Your mental capacity depends on a lot of different things and genetics is one of them. Your home life, education, resources and nutrition also play major roles.

4. How many brain cells do adults grow per day?

  • None
  • 100 – 350
  • About 700


About 700. It used to be thought that you were born with all of the brain cells you would have for life but that is a myth. Brain cells can be lost and they can also grow. Certain habits, like exercising, can boost the number of brain cells you make. But many of these die within a week if they are not used. That’s why engaging your brain and learning new skills can keep your brain healthy and growing.

5. The brain is grey.

Fact or Myth?

Myth. The brain is often pictured as a dull grey mass but while it is true that it does have grey matter, it also has white matter, the blood vessels are red and the area in the middle is black. So when you see a preserved brain in a museum, it is because of the formaldehyde used to preserve the organ.

6. Listening to classical music improves the IQ of babies.

Fact or Myth?

Myth. Recent studies show that the popular fad of listening to Mozart to enhance IQ has no scientific basis. Although a pleasurable experience, the music has no real effect on intelligence.

7. What happens to the brain during sleep?

  • It shuts down
  • It rests
  • It’s busy


It’s busy. While your body is resting during sleep, your brain stays active controlling many of the functions of your body, like breathing. Your brain sorts through the day’s information and consolidates your learning into the long-term memory. The brain also clears out certain kinds of waste which researchers believe may lead to dementia over time.

8. What age is it best to learn new information?

  • Age 3 and under
  • Ages 11 – 18
  • Any age


Any age. While it may seem that the brains of babies soak up the most information, research shows that your brain can grow and change at any age. The London taxi driver study demonstrated growth in the hippocampus and the end of their extensive course of memorising the busy streets and routes.
Your brain is precious.
Use it!
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 7-Day Brain Boost Plan.