Did you know that 67% of New Zealanders play video games?
48% of video game players are female.
43% of people aged 65 and over play video games.
Memory Foundation games featured in the 2015 Digital New Zealand study and some surprising results were discovered. Watch the 8-minute video (featuring several Memory Foundation Brain Tuners and our games) to find out more.
Why do older adults play games?
To keep the mind active is the main reason older adults play.
And do the games work?
- 84% say video games can improve thinking skills – health.
- 76% say video games can improve coordination and dexterity – health.
- 70% say video games increase mental stimulation – positive ageing.
- 47% say video games could fight dementia – positive ageing.
*Methodology Digital New Zealand 2016 (DNZ16) is a study of 827 New Zealand households and 2,363 individuals of all ages in those households. Participants were drawn randomly from the Nielsen Your Voice Panel in May 2015; research was designed and conducted at Bond University. The margin of error is ±3.4% for households and ±2.0% for individuals