Brain Practice Answers
December 2018
Did you try each several times?
Here are the answers to Brain Practice, December 2018
Please forgive the mixture of UK and USA spelling – especially if that meant you had a harder job solving the puzzle!
Christmas Word Scramble
The missing Letter?
Full message reads – Merry Christmas
How well do you know your Christmas carols and songs?
Solve these Riddles?
How does a sheep say Merry Christmas??
Fleece Navidas!
What do you get if you combine a Christmas tree with an iPad??
A pineapple.
What do you call a reindeer who wears ear-muffs?
Anything you like. He can’t hear you!
Why did the turkey join a band?
He has his own drumsticks.
Need more practice?
Healthy Memory Workout is an eBook full of ‘how-to’s’ and puzzles to challenge your brain