
Avocados – are they good for my Brain?

Yes! Avocados are great brain food, in moderation. (See more about this below). What you eat affects how well you think. Just as your body needs to be in peak condition as you approach your 40’s and 50’s, to have a memory that keeps growing and never lets you down,...

Have you tried these Balancing Tips?

Maintaining proper balance at any age requires attention, strength, and flexibility. One skill that can sharply decline with age, though, and often with little warning, is your sense of balance. "As people age, changes in flexibility, muscle strength and power, body...

10 signs of hearing loss you don’t want to ignore.

Have you noticed any of these? About half of people 75 and older have lost 35 decibels or more of hearing — the point at which a hearing aid is needed. But it can be tough to tell when someone's hearing is starting to go, even (or especially) if that someone is you....

The 4 Worst Habits for Your Brain

These have the greatest effect on cognitive function. Many habits contribute to poor brain health, but four areas can have the most influence. They are too much sitting, lack of socializing, inadequate sleep, and chronic stress. "The good news is that they also can be...

Is Forgetting Actually a Form of Learning?

We create countless memories as we live our lives but many of these we forget. Why? Counter to the general assumption that memories simply decay with time, ‘forgetting’ might not be a bad thing – that is according to scientists who believe it may represent a form of...

Brazil nuts and your memory.

Summary: Selenium, a natural mineral found in grains, meats, and nuts can reverse cognitive impairment following a stroke and improve learning and memory in the aging brain. Source: University of Queensland Selenium—a mineral found in many foods—could reverse the...

The Big Three spine exercises.

Here are the "big three" exercises developed by Dr. Stuart McGill, an expert in spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada. These three engage all the important muscles needed to improve spine stability. Here's how to perform each of the big three. You...

Protect your shoulders.

  These strategies will help protect your shoulders, too. Stretch right before activities. Take a few minutes to stretch before activities requiring shoulder power, like lifting a heavy laundry basket or hanging curtains. "March in place for two minutes to get...

Boost Your Brain with Brainfit® Memory Games!

Have you tried our fun, interactive Brainfit® memory games yet? They've already been enjoyed by thousands of people just like you who were keen to sharpen their memory skills. Developed in collaboration with The University of Auckland, each game is designed to...