New research, based on data from over 10,000 adults, suggests that regular use of hearing aids is linked to a 24% lower risk of mortality among adults with hearing loss. Key facts: Only one in 10 people with hearing loss who need hearing aids actually use them,...
Despite what the labels say, there’s no evidence that these capsules will improve your cardiovascular health — and they may even harm it. From Julie Corliss, Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter Millions of Americans — including one in five people over age 60...
Wearable health-tech can help seniors become more independent. Key Takeaways Despite the perception that digital health technologies are not aimed at older adults, they have the potential to significantly benefit this demographic with features like health monitoring...
Question 1: Which type of fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and trout, are known to support brain function? A) Omega-6 fatty acids B) Omega-3 fatty acids C) Saturated fats D) Trans fats ANSWER B) Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)...
Summary: Interactions with the deceased, or ADCs, are reported by 30-34% of individuals. A recent study explored the effects of ADCs on those grieving a partner. The findings reveal that a majority found ADCs therapeutic, with 47% saying it eased acceptance of their...
Researchers have been trying to answer this question or years. With the pandemic years, political upheavals, international news and economic worries it’s no wonder you may be finding it hard to keep a positive outlook. The good news is that a 2022 study published in...
Good question: the answer is…. “It depends”. There’s a big difference between the sort of whizz-bang research we see in advertising and the scientific journal articles that are rarely reported in the media. Let’s consider a few examples. Think of the claims made by...
“I want to share an update on my mum since I started her on cGP about 3 weeks ago. I noticed quite a change last week when I went to visit. Over the last 3-4 months she had declined to the point of sleeping most of the time, unable to string a sentence together and...
The answer is probably MORE! Even though adults 50-plus know that exercise is beneficial to many aspects of good health, many aren’t nearly physically active enough, falling short of the 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week that the Centers for Disease...
Does exercise raise or lower your blood pressure? While you are exercising, your blood pressure (along with your pulse) goes up, to supply the additional blood flow that your exercising muscles need. Otherwise, regular exercise lowers your blood pressure throughout...
I’m offering it to you today in hopes that it can help you when everything swirls around in your head or you are facing a transition. All you have to do is ask yourself three questions: What is it too late for? What is it too soon for? What is it just the...
Colorectal cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer are the three most frequently missed diagnoses in outpatient clinics and academic medical centers, a January 2022 study published in JAMA Network Open found. Heart attack and prostate cancer round out the top five....
Brainfit reader, Phil Astley shares his experience in the hope that it can help others. “In 2019 I became a senior and was referred to the seniors team at our hospital (concerned about dementia). Their neuropsychologist quickly told me I didn’t have...
Frustration is a type of emotional reaction to stress. It’s common to have this feeling when you encounter daily stressors at home, at school, at work, and in relationships. For example, you might get frustrated when your partner forgets to take care of an...