Test yourself on these common sayings about sleep. 1. Sleep is time for the body in general and the brain specifically to shut down for rest. True or False? Mostly False. Sleep is an active process involving specific cues for its regulation....
Sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being. Regardless of age, if you don’t get enough quality sleep, you may experience several negative effects, including: Cognitive Impairment: Difficulty remembering and thinking clearly. Mood Changes: Increased...
Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep? Read Ted’s story: Ted was exhausted. He seemed to wake every night after only 3 or 4 hours sleep. He knew it wasn’t enough. He woke up tired. He went to work tired. He came home...
Brainfit® for Life classes are popular – in the community, the workplace, wellness classes, clubs and in retirement villages. People are asking about these Brainfit for Life courses all over. We’d love to be offering Brainfit® for Life classes to everyone...
No mistaking how THIS man’s feeling! But more often than not we try to hide feelings … BUT It doesn’t matter what you SAY Your body will give you away every time! The trick of it, of course, once you know what the signs are, is to avoid the signals...
I know some of you have wanted to subscribe to our videos but couldn’t because you received the message that you need to have a YouTube account. And it seems to be such a hassle! Actually, it isn’t and hours of enjoyment can be yours, absolutely free, just...