Memory Strategy #1 Do you forget names? When you meet someone for the first time, use his or her name in conversation. Think about whether you like the name. Think of people you know well who have the same name. Associate the name with an image, if one comes to mind....
Why are so many people these days doing crosswords and Sudoku? Who cares about brain fitness? Is it just ‘the latest thing’? or does it really matter? At a recent international conference of brain and memory professionals, it was reported 84% of the 3165...
If you can improve only ONE aspect of your memory ….. This Is the One! Pay Attention. It isn’t always easy but here’s how you can. How to pay attention. Will yourself to remember; it takes a conscious effort but say to yourself: focus, focus, focus!...
MOMENTS of forgetfulness are among those small blows to self-esteem that can lead people to worry about declining intelligence or impending dementia. Those moments of dreadful realisation that you have forgotten an important appointment, the pungent smell of burning...
Don’t you HATE it when that happens? You KNOW you know …. That word That name That number You just can”t THINK of it. So what’s happening?? Brain overload? Too many things in your mind at once? Too many drinks? Didn’t take enough notice...
Don’t you hate that? You are in the middle of a sales presentation, or telling a funny story and suddenly, you can’t think of what comes next! Try as you might, the mind’s gone blank and you have no idea how to finish. It happened to me in a very public way many years...