Stop! My brain’s full! Is information-overload getting you down? Your brain feels sluggish, fatigued and you start forgetting things. And you can’t fit in one more thing? That’s brain overload. Overload occurs when you receive more information than...
Great news! You’ve asked for it – We’ve researched and gathered the best of the best for you. In our 7 Day Brain Booster Plan we show you exactly how to set up the new brain habits you need. You’ll FEEL healthier You’ll BE healthier AND...
Is stress affecting you? Occasional memory lapses can be caused by stress. If you are feeling stressed and anxious, try this quick test. It will help you decide if you need to moderate your lifestyle or seek further help. For each question, score yourself: Often = 2,...
You work long hours, right? Even longer sometimes to correct mistakes? Crazy, isn’t it! FACT Working non-stop = mistakes. FACT Your brain can handle only five to six hours of hard mental work. After that, deal with routine things like meetings (unless you are...
1. Find out about your brain and you can make the most of your brain powers. Knowing that your brain is a constantly-developing miracle with billions of neurons and synapses will encourage you to take important steps to keep it flourishing. 2. Take care of...
Are you TOO busy? Starting to forget things you would usually remember? Feeling stresses and strains And unwell? ‘Mindfulness’ might be the answer for you. When did you last feel really quiet Peaceful Focused? Paying attention to what is happening for you...