How can I find that word?

How can I find that word?

Has this ever happened to you? You go to say something – everyone’s quiet, waiting for you AND. the WORD you want. VANISHES! It’s on the tip of your tongue ….. But it’s gone. You laugh and everyone forgives you but you HATE that happening Because it is a sign of...
How can I prevent memory loss?

How can I prevent memory loss?

It is NEVER too late to take steps to prevent memory loss. A good place to start is this report from Harvard. All commonsense, really – but it always helps to check them off now and again. Seven preventive steps Research shows that the following strategies may...
5-minute workout for all ages

5-minute workout for all ages

Try this safe, 5-minute workout. It was given to me by a close friend who learned it from her Pilates instructor. This sequence exercises all of the important muscles and is a fantastic way to start the day. And it isn’t too strenuous. If you can complete these...
Reduce Earthquake Stress.

Reduce Earthquake Stress.

Earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunami – what’s happening to the world? And all of these disasters have left heartbreak in their wake. Dr. Lamont (co-founder of Memory Foundation) lived in Christchurch and as a counsellor and in her Memory Clinic she worked with...
It’s a Mental Block – My Mind’s Gone Blank

It’s a Mental Block – My Mind’s Gone Blank

Don’t you hate that? You are in the middle of a sales presentation, or telling a funny story and suddenly, you can’t think of what comes next! Try as you might, the mind’s gone blank and you have no idea how to finish. It happened to me in a very public way many years...