Just like all other tech companies, hearing aids manufacturers are constantly researching and developing new features and technology, and releasing new models of hearing aids. What’s new for September 2021? Turns out your ear is a good place to monitor activity such...
A person’s name is to [them] the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Dale Carnegie Do you have an amazing memory for names, dates, and personal details about people. If so, it will have come in handy more than you even recall. Not everyone has...
Science suggests it’s possible to make new brain cells and improve your memory. The key is to get moving. It was once thought the brain could not create new cells. You simply used what you were born with, and if they died through age or injury, that was that....
By Vivian Goldschmidt, MA How’s Your Balance? Take This 30-Second Test To Find Out Today you’ll discover a simple test so you can determine whether your balance is in top shape or if you need to take action to improve it. In addition, you’ll also get an easy...
Consider your social interaction if you’ve been feeling foggy. Published: Harvard Health, May, 2021 We’ve all been isolated from many family members and friends during the pandemic. If you’ve been having a harder time remembering things or processing...