Find your personal style.

Are you struggling with finding the clothes and the personal style that works for YOU? If yes then this post is for you. We will cover the basics of how to do just that! Because there is nothing more frustrating than wanting to look a certain way and never getting...

Sharing Life Stories to Connect and Empower

In 1963, Dr. Robert Butler, founder of the International Longevity Center, wrote: “I was struck some years back by the fact that older people tended to review their life. At that time, whenever people reminisced it was regarded by psychologists and psychiatrists as...

Online Hearing Checks – do they work?

Hearing well is essential for good communication, safety, independence, and memory. Looking for a quick way to check your hearing without leaving the house? An online hearing check could be the first step. Many clinic websites, hearing aid manufacturers and phone apps...

Tips from Readers

Hundreds of people have been working through the Memory Tune course and one of the Prospective Memory tasks in Session 11 (Remembering to Remember) was to recall, on a particular day, to write a note to Dr Lamont. Nearly everyone remembered!! How did they do it? Here...

Gillian Eadie in NZ Herald

(Click blue heading to view news cutting) Herald article Ross Barrett, Writer You’ve forgotten where you left the car keys or whether you turned the iron off before leaving home – both familiar predicaments often referred to as a ‘senior moment’. But Auckland-based...

Memory Tune Winners!

Congratulations! We heard some wonderful stories from readers and it was very difficult to choose our finalists. Thank you to everyone who entered and we look forward to continuing to support you.   And the winners are: Sue Saunders, Whangarei Diane Mills,...