Arts and Crafts: A Pathway to Wellbeing

In a world where mental health concerns are escalating, especially post-COVID-19, finding accessible and effective ways to enhance wellbeing is paramount. A recent UK study looked at whether doing arts and crafts can make people happier and less lonely. The research...

Your Brain Compensates as You Get Older

No one’s brain is as sharp at 60 as it was at 20. However, new research supports the notion that folk’s brains can make subtle adjustments with age to compensate for that decline. A team of British researchers has found more evidence that as the mind ages,...

Band exercise for shoulders

This exercise should be mandatory for people who sit at desks. It’s called the Band Pull Apart. When you sit for long periods your back muscles tend to round and weaken. One of the best exercises you can do to strengthen your upper back is the Band Pull Apart....

“A game-changer” for Parkinson’s – new studies.

An estimated 7-10 million people worldwide, are affected by Parkinson’s disease. Our brain is the body’s command centre and through a network of chemical messengers it relays messages back and forth to different parts of the body. Dopamine, a chemical messenger that...