Frustration is a type of emotional reaction to stress. It’s common to have this feeling when you encounter daily stressors at home, at school, at work, and in relationships. For example, you might get frustrated when your partner forgets to take care of an...
When you should be asleep? You are not alone. Insomnia affects between 4 and 22% of adults and is associated with long-term health problems including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and depression. So many people are troubled by insomnia, that research at Indiana...
Do you have doubting thoughts and conversations in your head?? Most of us do. Usually its one side bringing up doubting thoughts about just about anything. And then the other side replies, offering reassurance and calming advice. Doubting is an...
The week before Christmas I met up with friends for a Christmas lunch. People mingling in a vibrant and celebratory atmosphere, cars stacked into every available car park. During the course of lunch one of my friends had a medical event. An ambulance was called and...
Have you ever felt like this? As if your brain simply cannot take in one more thing? Has thinking exhausted your brain? Here are the facts: The brain consumes about 20% of the body’s energy, despite representing only 2% of its weight. (Calculated using oxygen...
Have you visited an online art exhibition lately? An international research team involving the University of Vienna and the Max Planck Institute had 240 participants view an interactive Monet Water Lily art exhibition then fill out a questionnaire about their state of...