Which memory training works best as we age?

It depends, a new study from the University of Michigan suggests. But your fourth-grade  mathematics teacher may have been onto something with that phrase to help you remember how to work out a complicated problem: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.   Do you...

Taking the Driver Test with your Doctor.

‘What has drawing a clock and remembering an address got to do with actual driving on the road?’ This is a question I was asked at a recent 60s-Up presentation. And it’s a good question! One of the things I do at my Brainfit® classes is teach people like...

Playing a duet? What your brain needs to do.

Making music together is a unique challenge: Not only must a musician plan and execute the sounds made by their own instrument, but they have to coordinate their actions with those of others. This is an extraordinary accomplishment on the part of the brain, one that...

Age 40 Is When Busy Americans Get the Least Sleep

Neuroscience Articles June 14, 2022   Summary: Sleep efficiency dips for most around age 40, increasing again at around age 50. Researchers say that for most aged 60 and older, sleep duration increases. Source: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University A...

Have you tried these Balancing Tips?

Maintaining proper balance at any age requires attention, strength, and flexibility. One skill that can sharply decline with age, though, and often with little warning, is your sense of balance. “As people age, changes in flexibility, muscle strength and power,...

10 signs of hearing loss you don’t want to ignore.

Have you noticed any of these? About half of people 75 and older have lost 35 decibels or more of hearing — the point at which a hearing aid is needed. But it can be tough to tell when someone’s hearing is starting to go, even (or especially) if that someone is...