Brain fact or brain myth? What do YOU know is true? Test yourself on these eight questions. 1. What percentage of your brain do you use? 10% 50% 100% Answer 100%. The idea that you do not use all of your brain is a widespread myth. Brain scan studies show all...
Brainfit Coaches and speakers are asked a lot of questions! Dr Allison Lamont continues her series where she answers common queries. (And you can ask your own questions below, too.) 3. Why can’t I remember young people but have no trouble with people my age? I am an...
Many women experience a kind of mental fog during pregnancy. Are they imagining it? A recent Australian study says: NO! ‘Nappy brain’ or ‘Baby brain’ is real. It’s a genuine, measurable phenomenon. And four our of five women...
Do you come back from holiday with your camera loaded with photographs? You will remember everything, right? WRONG! Research says that sometimes taking a photograph makes it harder to remember a great view or experience. Why is this? Is it because we give less...
What does music do for your mind? Music optimises learning Helps you retain information better Helps severely brain-injured patients recall personal memories & respond to therapies Helps with Alzheimer’s recall and sharing of memories Helps promote rehabilitation...