MD, PhD | Chief Scientist
MD, PhD Chief Scientist
Dr Jian Guan completed Bachelor of Medicine in Wuhan University, China in 1982, then PhD in Paediatrics at The University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1996.
She continued her pioneer research in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and brain function at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is currently affiliated with Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, and the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University and is Chief scientist of the cGP Lab, New Zealand.
Her research has been largely focussed on discoveries for treating cerebral vascular diseases, both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical, by improving the function of IGF-1.
Her discovery of a missing link of IGF-1 autocrine regulation leads to clinical evaluations for developing a novel biomarker for IGF-1 function and its clinical application for small vessel diseases including cognitive impairment and metabolic disorders.
Her discovery of natural cGP from food lead to current development of natural cGP for improving brain health and function.