Brain Practice Answers
July 2015Keep up those challenges every day!
Here are the answers to the July 2015 Brain Practice
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Ancient Wisdom
Men ought to know that from the brain, and from the brain only, arise our pleasures, joy, laughter and jests, as well as our sorrows, pains, griefs, and tears. — Hippocrates
Can you find 40+ words?
demon, deny, done, doyen, dune, dyne, ends, eponym, mend, menu, meson, money, mound, muon, node, nodus, nope, nose, nosed, nosey, nous, nude, omen, onus, open, opens, pend, pends, peon, peony, pond, pons, pony, pound, PSEUDONYM, puny, send, sends, sound, spend, spun, syne, synod, undo, undoes, unposed, upon
Did you find more?
24 – 30 words: A good effort!
35 – 44 words: Fantastic!
Over 44 words: Amazing!
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