Rate Your Memory
Memory is an active process. We have to tell our brains what’s important to remember.
Here are three questions we often get asked:
1. Is my memory normal?
2. Which strategies do I need to practice?
3. Is there an online or group course that might help me become more confident in my memory?

Step 1: Complete Memory Check - how is your memory performing right now?
How to use the checklist:
1. You can either print out the Memory Check or fill it out online
2. Place the number of your choice into the correct column (e.g. if you think 3 describes your memory performance now, place the numeral ‘3’ in the third column across).
3. Online, your scores add downwards and across automatically. On paper you will have to add them up yourself.
4. You will gain a total score. You can reset this form and perform your Memory Check as often as you like.
Step 2: Find out what your score means
Now that you know your baseline memory score you can start improving it. The memory strategies you gain in our courses will change your life.
You can gain peak performance from your brain and memory. All it takes is some effort and concentration from you and our easy-to-follow, step-by-step Brainfit courses.
It is definitely possible regardless of age. 18,000 + others have already been through the Brainfit programme and just like Julian below, they tell us it works!
“You will be pleased to know that this year we spent 7 weeks in Provence much of the time on bikes. It was amazing how Elizabeth could look at a complicated map and we then simply followed the route; I have no doubt that her brilliant memory was the direct result of her dedication to your systems over the years. Many thanks for my bright as a button 77 year old partner/wife.” Julian Aaron MA (Oxon.)