Prospective memory is one of the three affected by ageing so using strategies to keep ‘remembering to remember’ strong, are very important. We emphasize this skill in our Brainfit for Life classes and in the online course, Memory Tune
Mary had such an interesting set of strategies to remind her to write to us on a particular day, I asked her if she would share them with all of us.
And she did!
Here I am!
My prospective memory has not let me down
(just a little image of my nonverbal skills as well)!
I used a variety of cues to remember to email:-
- Placed a written-down note on fridge.
- Brought up your email address (on my computer) before bed so your address was the first prompt I saw today.
- Put a symbol of a
in my calendar and attached my own mental image of the balloon flying in the sky to Auckland. (I only look at my calendar after I have tried to recall the postings daily.)
- Put a decorative vase upside down in the bedroom so I would notice that, if all else fails. (I have done that many times and it works if I Focus, Connect and Rehearse.
And other long-term memories came up, too.
- Recalling a moment I saw you (Dr Lamont) when I was about 10 years old, almost 60 years ago! You were entering the Columbia Hall. I instantly thought this must be you and looked up the programme. I stayed to watch you dance the Irish jig and Sword Dance. I still remember your striking neck length blonde-coloured hair and peaches and cream face.
- Recalling going to your Mother’s dance school for a few days in the school holidays. I felt very important as it was the first time I had travelled on the train without my family, although another two girls with their mother attending the classes accompanied me on the railcar.
So, here I am, and lots of memories (and memory skills) to prompt my prospective memory.
– Mary Lee.
Thank you so much, Mary. It was such a delight to receive this and to hear about the six memory skills in action.
We would love to know of any other ways readers use any of the six key skills. Do share them below or email me