Brain Tuners tell us that their biggest memory let-down
Take Ted, for example.
My biggest concern is forgetting names. Sometimes they are names of people I have known for some time although they are not people that are close friends, but still, it’s disconcerting to forget a “neighbors name” I have known for years. I also have problems in producing a word I want to use in a sentence during a conversation – it’s like my mind grows blank suddenly. I later remember the word I wanted to use but by then it’s too late.
Has this happened to you?
Why does it happen?
As you know, you have 100 billion neurons working for you in your brain and they are connecting through synapses all the time, even when you are asleep.
When you need a name, or specific word that has been encoded in your cortex (where information is retained as memory), your neurons need to locate what you need from several areas. Every meaning of that word appears in multiple locations (shape, sound, colour, facial image and so on), and every location contains a cluster of related meanings. For example, people, places, patterns or numbers hold an infinite number of possible answers for you..
As we get older, finding accurate information may take a little longer but it WILL happen, as long as you persist in seeking that name, the answer to a problem, or how to resolve a personal situation. Trust your brain to keep working for you.
What to do when it happens.
Check this sort video.
You can see why the occasional word eludes us sometimes!
Check these articles to find the next steps you (and Ted) can take when your brain is searching for a lost name or word.