In 1963, Dr. Robert Butler, founder of the International Longevity Center, wrote:
“I was struck some years back by the fact that older people tended to review their life. At that time, whenever people reminisced it was regarded by psychologists and psychiatrists as possible early signs of senility. But because we were studying vital, healthier older people, it struck me how important it was for people to come to grips with the kind of life they had led.”
In the over 55 years since Butler wrote those words, study after study has demonstrated the power of life-story sharing on older adults. Research demonstrates that it increases mental cognition, self-esteem, and, perhaps most significantly, life satisfaction.
Isabella Bick would agree. In a New York Times article, she says that when she began writing her life stories, she recognized “that there was this joyous little girl” whom she could finally “reclaim.” She describes “an awe that I survived some of the things I went through.”
Isabella notes that she considers her stories a gift to future generations — and to past ones. “I am keeping my parents and grandparents alive. And, as an egotist, I am keeping myself alive. I am remembered.”
And that is what sharing life stories is all about: For the opportunity to remember – who you were and who you are, to share those memories, connect with those around you and to provide a legacy for those you love.
To that end, we developed The LifeStory Challenge, a digital platform that empowers seniors everywhere to capture, preserve and share their life stories easily and enjoyably – and to engage their loved ones in the process.
Sharing life stories will not only provide you (or your parents) with a renewed sense of joy as you travel back over your life, but it also deeply strengthens your relationships with your loved ones as you give them the gift of your memories, their family history, and a lasting legacy.
Naomi Grossman is CEO of LifeJourneys Media.
If you would like to try The LifeStory Challenge for yourself or with a parent or loved one, you have full access to the first two chapters at no cost. Sign up on our website or send us an email at If you would like to complete your LifeStory Challenge, the cost for the full process and one customized, hardcover LifeStory book is $179 (USD). Brainfit members will enjoy a 20% discount. Feel free to email us with any questions.
To learn more, watch our LifeStory Challenge tutorial.
(NB: This interesting opportunity is shared by Brainfit.World but Brainfit.World is not commercially involved with this project.)
Hi, I’m finishing the first part of the story of my life 228pages and I’m going to include about 70 photos. Are you able to connect me with someone to publish just one hard copy?
Hello, Simone. What a wonderful effort! Well done. You may like to be in touch with Naomi Grossman who wrote the story you read and her email address is
Naomi is offering our readers a 20% discount so it is worth following up.
Thank you Gillian! Hi Simone, That’s so great! Feel free to be in touch.