Founders of Brainfit ® World

Our Brainfit World founders were affectionately called “The Memory Sisters”. They were New Zealand based sisters Gillian Eadie (Teacher and career educator) and the late Dr Allison Lamont (Psychologist & researcher). Key research into memory improvement tools that build brain resilience and reduce the effects of memory loss informed their work.

Inspired by their mother’s fight with Alzheimer’s disease, both Allison and Gillian wanted to find effective ways to preserve and improve memory. In her PhD research, Allison identified the six types of memory skill that are critical for productivity and independent living into older age. Using her skills as a teacher, Gillian help developed this ground-breaking work into the proven memory improvement system – Brainfit® which has already helped over 18,000 people with their brain health journey.

Gillian Eadie

M.Ed, BA, DipTchg, LTCL, Churchill Fellow, HFITPNZ

Gillian Eadie is an award-winning educator whose career includes speech therapy, teaching, 20 years as a school principal  and positions at The University of Auckland. Gillian established the Brainfit.World with her sister, Dr. Allison Lamont. She still works with the Brainfit.World team managing the Brainfit World Membership Programme. She also edits Memory News, and enjoys speaking about the importance of protecting and enhancing memory skills beyond the age of 40 or so.

Dr Allison Lamont

PhD (Psych), MA (1st), CPsychol (BPS), NZPsS, APS, ASSBI.

In 2008, Dr Allison Lamont, PhD, published her ground-breaking research into age-related memory loss. There was world-wide interest in her findings and she took this to conferences in Atlanta, Edinburgh and New Zealand. Allison identified six key areas of memory skills pivotal in maintaining a confident, active and independent lifestyle throughout ones life and it is these that form the basis of Brainfit.World’s brain & memory tools which continue to be refined and used around the world. Sadly Allison passed away after a short illness in 2021.

“I am committed to ensuring that everyone has all the information and knowledge they need about memory and the brain.

Too many of my friends have parents and relatives who are suffering the consequences of memory loss. It is a tragedy to see people losing their jobs, losing interest and unable to manage their own lives.

This does not have to happen to you!”

Gillian Eadie

“Your memory is a living part of you that can grow and expand to meet the demands you make of it.

Now is the time to build your memory resistance, the ‘cognitive reserve‘ you need to have as a buffer against forgetting and other signs of memory loss that occur without intervention.

Just as you know you need to keep physically fit to be healthy, so your brain needs exercise, too.”

Dr Allison Lamont

Brain Training For Any Age

We focus on the six key skills you need for life-long independence. Keep your brain and memory connections active, alert and growing.